Friday, August 12, 2011

Christmas at BI

We're only 27 days away from the CCSA Convention in Birmingham, Alabama. Yes, we know it's only August. But we can't help it! CCSA time is like Christmas. We love all the hustle and bustle, new treats and fun things to do.

Kelci has been living in the studio, painting day and night to get everything ready to go. Of course we can't show you all our fun new projects just yet...but we can show you a little bit of our process!

We've got new glass, bisque, products and games ready to go. And guess what? We're driving it all down ourselves the day before. That's right, the entire BI Crew is piling into a van to make the trek to Alabama. Sound like a crazy idea? It is. Who knows what will happen when seven creatives join together for a wacky road trip. We can only imagine. Stay tuned for tales from the road.