Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Kisses and Hugs and Pottery I Love

Crank up the love songs on the radio and get in touch with your inner teddy bear this Valentine's Day!  We chose a "Kisses and Hugs" theme for our Valentine's Day samples!  Learn how to create an XO Platter, make your own lip prints and paint a Huggy Salt and Pepper Set.

XO Platter - In the language of lovebirds, X stands for kisses and O means hugs.  Create this kiss-ably-cute dish
Lip Smacker Cup - We've all done handprints and footprints, so why not put a twist on it for Valentine's Day with lip prints!  That's right- have your customers paint their lips (warn them not to eat the paint - yuck!) and kiss the rim of this Big Rim Cup.  Create your own lip prints.

Huggy Salt and Pepper Shaker Set - Shake things up this Valentine's Day with this incredibly adorable hugging couple.  Create this lovable project.

We created all our Valentine's Day projects this year based on our "Kisses and Hugs" theme, but you can choose your own theme.  Here are some ideas:
1. Love birds - Bird related graphics are trendy right now!
2. Lovely Lace - Create intricately designed pottery in a few easy steps using lace.
3. Love Letters - Use a variety of Bisque Imports Letters to spell out how you're feeling this Valentine's Day.

Kisses and Hugs,
The Bisque Imports Crew